
Executive and Director Positions


















Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................... 3

RISK ASSESSMENT........................................................................................................................ 4

RECRUITMENT PROGRAM............................................................................................................. 5

POSITION DESCRIPTIONS.............................................................................................................. 5

PRESIDENT............................................................................................................................... 5

PAST PRESIDENT....................................................................................................................... 6

VICE PRESIDENT....................................................................................................................... 6

TREASURER.............................................................................................................................. 7

SECRETARY.............................................................................................................................. 8

REGISTRAR............................................................................................................................... 9

HEAD REFEREE........................................................................................................................ 10

HEAD COACH.......................................................................................................................... 11

ICE AMBASSADOR................................................................................................................... 13

EQUIPMENT MANAGER........................................................................................................... 14

TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR....................................................................................................... 15

FEMALE PROGRAMS COORDINATOR........................................................................................ 16

FUNDRAISER.......................................................................................................................... 17

RISK MANAGER....................................................................................................................... 18

TEAM MANAGER..................................................................................................................... 19

Initiation (Tykes and Novice)................................................................................................ 19

Atom and up: League Play (See OMAHA handout and Constitution)......................................... 19

COACH / ASSISTANT COACH..................................................................................................... 20

SAFETY PERSON / TRAINER...................................................................................................... 21

APPLICATION FORMS.................................................................................................................. 22

Volunteer Application.............................................................................................................. 22

INTERVIEWS.............................................................................................................................. 24

REFERENCE CHECKS.................................................................................................................... 24

CRIMINAL RECORD CHECKS......................................................................................................... 25







As a volunteer organization that provides services to children & youth, we at PDMHA have a moral, ethical and legal obligation to exercise reasonable care to protect the individuals in our care, our volunteers and the community at large.  The responsibility to screen any person who will have access to children and youth is something that the Princeton & District Minor Hockey Association takes very seriously.


PDMHA is a small hockey association and our volunteers often find themselves filling in or helping out, in other positions and or tasks as needed.  For this reason our policy is that ALL volunteers, regardless of “risk association” require a criminal record check and vulnerable sector check and other requirements as necessary to meet the highest possible standard.











































PDMHA endeavours to determine the risk of the volunteer position by reviewing specific parameters, including the following 6 questions:

  1. Does the volunteer work with children or another vulnerable sector of our association?
  2. Does the volunteer in this position have access to property or equipment?
  3. Does the volunteer in this position have power over a player’s hockey future?
  4. Does the volunteer in this position have access to confidential information?
  5. Does this volunteer in this position have access to organization funds?
  6. Is this person involved in making decisions on behalf of the organization?


High Risk Positions:

Team Manager

Head Coach

Assistant Coach


Equipment Manager



On-ice officials



  • Criminal Record Check including Vulnerable Sector Check
  • Reference Checks
  • Position Descriptions
  • Application Form
  • Orientation and Training
  • Regular Evaluations


Medium Risk

Executive Directors


Board of Directors



  • Criminal Record Check including Vulnerable Sector Check
  • Reference Check
  • Position Description
  • Application Form
  • Orientation and Training


Low Risk

Ice Scheduler


  • Recruiting Process
  • Position Descriptions
  • Application Form
  • Orientation and Training


We target recruitment at the following times:

  1. Team Pre Season Meetings with parents
  2. 2 weeks prior to AGM
  3. Team Post Season Meetings with parents
  4. Throughout the hockey season gain interest for the next season
  5. During Registration


Advertising is to be done thru:

  • Newspaper
  • Website
  • Arena postings
  • Parent Meetings
  • Word of Mouth



Administrative position to set PDMHA policy and ensure the policy is carried out throughout the programs offered.  

This is an elected position



  • Be familiar with the PDMHA Constitution, By-laws and Playing Rules.
  • Attend monthly Board/Operation meetings and PDMHA General Meetings
  • Vote on specific issues at Board Meetings and Operation Meetings.
  • Act as banking Signing Officer.
  • Assist with event-day operations during PDMHA Development events.
  • Assist in developing and maintaining positive relations among the Board, committees, staff members and Member Associations.
  • Represent PDMHA at the District’s Annual General Meeting
  • Participate in the PDMHA screening policy



  • To chair the PDMHA Executive meetings.
  • To chair the PDMHA Discipline Committee meetings in the absence of the Vice.
  • Attend PDMHA Executive meetings.
  • Represent PDMHA at all OMAHA meetings May; August; January.
  • Attend BC HOCKEY Annual General Meeting each year In September.
  • Shall ensure quorum is present at each PDMHA Executive meeting in agreement with PDMHA Constitution.
  • Shall ensure that all aspects of the PDMHA Constitution are in force.
  • Supervise the other Officers and Directors in the execution of their duties



  • Strong leadership, communication, and organizational skills
  • Strong hockey administrative background
  • Ability to act as a liaison between district and board
  • Knowledgeable in rules, regulations, administrative procedures of the association and district
  • A keen interest in hockey.
  • Dedicated and highly motivated
  • Become qualified in Respect in Sports for the Leader



  • Monthly Board/Operations meetings are held the first Monday of every month and are usually approximately 2-3 hours in duration.
  • Attend PDMHA Meetings as required, Annual General Meeting and Awards and Banquet.
  • Attend the Team Managers/Coach/Tournament Director meeting at the start of the season and usually lasts 1 hour in duration.
  • Check emails and answer any enquires in a timely fashion, approximately 2 hours a week.



  • To create a nominating committee no later than February 28TH each year to solicit candidates for positions being vacated in the upcoming AGM.
  • Act in an advisory capacity to the President and Elected Executive
  • Review PDMHA Job Descriptions and Policy Handbook annually and update as required for new policies, or changes to the organization.
  • Attend PDMHA Executive Meetings


Administrative position to fulfill the President's function in his/her absence.

This is an elected position



  • Be familiar with the PDMHA Constitution, By-laws and Playing Rules.
  • Attend monthly Board/Operation meetings and PDMHA General Meetings
  • Act as banking Signing Officer.
  • Vote on specific issues at Board Meetings and Operation Meetings.
  • Assist with event-day operations during PDMHA Development events.
  • Assist in developing and maintaining positive relations among the Board, committees, staff members and Member Associations.
  • Represent PDMHA at the District’s Annual General Meeting
  • Participate in the PDMHA screening policy



  • To chair the PDMHA Executive meetings in the President's absence.
  • To chair the PDMHA Discipline Committee meetings.
  • To attend all PDMHA Executive meetings.
  • To solicit sponsorships from corporate members of the community.
  • To provide thank you letters to each corporate sponsor along with team pictures when available.
  • Responsible to monitor Web-site and Web-site Administrator
  • Responsible for communications on behalf of PDMHA, which include bulletin boards, standings and trophy cases
  • Attend the OMAHA meeting in August and the BCAHA meeting in September if the President cannot attend.



  • A self-starter with patience, common sense, and self-control.
  • Able to liaise well with PDMHA fellow Directors, and League Chair people
  • Experience as a minor hockey volunteer preferably within the hockey operations environment.
  • A keen interest in hockey.
  • Dedicated and highly motivated



  • Monthly Board/Operations meetings are held the first Monday of every month and are usually approximately 2-3 hours in duration.
  • Attend PDMHA Meetings as required, Annual General Meeting and Awards and Banquet.
  • Attend the Team Managers/Coach/Tournament Director meeting at the start of the season and usually lasts 1 hour in duration.
  • Check emails and answer any enquires in a timely fashion, approximately 2 hours a week.



OBJECTIVE: Administrative position responsible for maintaining financial control and reporting for PDMHA

This is an elected position



  • Be familiar with the PDMHA Constitution, By-laws and Playing Rules.
  • Attend monthly Board/Operation meetings and PDMHA General Meetings.
  • Act as banking Signing Officer.
  • Vote on specific issues at Board Meetings and Operation Meetings.
  • Assist with event-day operations during PDMHA Development events.
  • Assist in developing and maintaining positive relations among the Board, committees, staff members and Member Associations.
  • Represent PDMHA at the District’s Annual General Meeting
  • Participate in the PDMHA screening policy



  • Receive bank statements and reconcile by the 15th of the month
  • Prepare annual budget (preliminary) each summer using projected registration figures provided by Registrar.
  • Serve as signing officer (with President) on all PDMHA bank accounts with secretary.
  • Move funds between PDMHA operating and investment accounts so as to maximize returns while maintaining a low-risk approach consistent with an association of this type.
  • Coordinate with Registrar to receive and deposit registration fees.
  • Coordinate with Vice President to receive and deposit Sponsorship fees.
  • Maintain regular payment of league liabilities.
  • Provide updated budget following completion of final registration.
  • Attend PDMHA Executive meetings, or provide a written report informing Executive of current status of operations verses budget.
  • Prepare and present Unaudited Financial Statement at the PDMHA Annual General Meeting.
  • Coordinate monthly payment of referees with Referee in Chief
  • Ensure that funds have been sent to BC HOCKEY as necessary for the Hockey Canada Insurance and BC HOCKEY fees each year.
  • Review and coordinate all team fundraising activities to avoid duplication or conflict of activities within the community, and to ensure activities promote a positive image of PDMHA.
  • Receive deposits from the Concession and pay fee for the year in January
  • Assist team applications for various lotteries licenses including 50/50 draws, raffles, raffle tables etc. and to maintain association policy on these matters.
  • Apply for Direct Access grant and gaming licenses on behalf of PDMHA.
  • Maintain and/or implement policies and procedures to ensure compliance with BC gaming
  • Report all Event Revenue Reports on Association gaming events within 60 days of the date of the event
  • Take books to accountant following Mar year end and make any adjustments necessary




  • Strong financial background
  • Strong communication and organizational skills
  • Able to liaise well with PDMHA fellow Directors, and League Chair people
  • Dedicated and highly motivated



  • Monthly Board/Operations meetings are held the first Monday of every month and are usually approximately 2-3 hours in duration.
  • Attend PDMHA Meetings as required, Annual General Meeting and Awards and Banquet.
  • Attend the Team Managers/Coach/Tournament Director meeting at the start of the season and usually lasts 1 hours in duration.
  • Check emails and answer any enquires in a timely fashion, approximately 2 hours a week.
  • Cut Cheques as required/balance bank and provide Financial Statements/Budgets: 10-15 hours/month


OBJECTIVE: The Secretary shall keep a full and complete record of all meetings of the Association and of all business and correspondence transacted thereat. The Secretary will ensure that all statements, lists, or other reports are filed as required by the British Columbia Societies Act. He/she shall turn over all files, communications and documents pertaining to the affairs of the Association to his/her successor.

This is an elected position



  • Be familiar with the PDMHAConstitution, By-laws and Playing Rules.
  • Attend monthly Board/Operation meetings and PDMHA General Meetings.
  • Act as banking Signing Officer.
  • Vote on specific issues at Board Meetings and Operation Meetings.
  • Assist with event-day operations during PDMHA Development events.
  • Assist in developing and maintaining positive relations among the Board, committees, staff members and Member Associations.
  • Represent PDMHA at the District’s Annual General Meeting
  • Participate in the PDMHA screening policy



  • Attend all PDMHA Executive meetings. Record and prepare written minutes of each meeting to be reviewed and accepted at the subsequent meeting, and then post on the public bulletin board and Website for all members of PDMHA to see exclusive of Financial Statements
  • Remind all expected attendees of upcoming PDMHA Executive meetings.
  • Type all correspondence on behalf of the PDMHA.
  • Record minutes of PDMHA Annual General Meeting.
  • Forward all AGM documents to the Societies Act in Victoria, B.C. within two weeks of the AGM
    1. Form 10
    2. Form 7
  • Attach payment
  1. Copy of Minutes
  2. Copy of Financial statements with Treasurer and Presidents signature
  • Ensure the AGM is publicized in the newspapers at least three weeks prior to the AGM.
  • Reserve meeting rooms as necessary for Executive or other PDMHA meetings as requested.
  • Retain copies of all minutes.
  • Pick up mail and distribute accordingly



  • Strong communication and organizational skills
  • Strong computer skills and internet experience
  • Able to liaise well with PDMHA fellow Directors, and League Chair people
  • Financial Experience an asset
  • Dedicated and highly motivated



  • Monthly Board/Operations meetings are held the first Monday of every month and are usually approximately 2-3 hours in duration.
  • Attend PDMHA Meetings as required, Annual General Meeting and Awards and Banquet.
  • Attend the Team Managers/Coach/Tournament Director meeting at the start of the season and usually lasts 1 hours in duration.
  • Check emails and answer any enquires in a timely fashion, approximately 2 hours a week.


OBJECTIVE: Administrative position responsible for ensuring all players are members in good standing with BC HOCKEY, OMAHA, and PDMHA.

This is an elected position



  • Be familiar with the PDMHAConstitution, By-laws and Playing Rules.
  • Attend monthly Board/Operation meetings and PDMHA General Meetings.
  • Vote on specific issues at Board Meetings and Operation Meetings.
  • Assist with event-day operations during PDMHA Development events.
  • Assist in developing and maintaining positive relations among the Board, committees, staff members and Member Associations.
  • Represent PDMHA at the District’s Annual General Meeting
  • Participate in the PDMHA screening policy



  • Propose due date for players returning from previous season, to register
  • Send out pre-registration forms or advise members to download form from website
  • Propose date to accept new player registrations and advertise accordingly
  • Maintain current registration database on (HMS) separating those wishing to tryout for rep teams and those playing house league, on PDMHA computer and provide up to date registration data to Executive and League Officials as required.
  • Determine maximum enrollment in each division
  • Provide written report to the Elected Executive when required.
  • Provide accurate registration figures by division when necessary.
  • Ensure that all players and coaching staff are approved and insured by entering into database
  • Provide master list for Executive group for all registrants by division
  • Ensure all players and coaching staff are entered into teams in the PDMHA/HCR database
  • Process withdrawals from league during the season and instruct the Treasurer to issue refunds as necessary.
  • Maintain player affiliations for all rep teams
  • Provide team rosters and any changes throughout the season to OMAHA Registrar
  • Receive and submit any Benevolent Fund requests received with registration
  • Maintain transfers to other Associations when our divisions are full.
  • Maintain female transfer request to other Associations
  • Must attend OMAHA Meeting in August and the BC Hockey meeting in September.
  • Complete all updates to the Web site by the request of the Elected Executive



  • Strong communication and organizational skills
  • Strong computer skills and internet experience
  • Financial Experience an asset
  • Dedicated and highly motivated



  • Monthly Board/Operations meetings are held the first Monday of every month and are usually approximately 2-3 hours in duration.
  • Attend PDMHA Meetings as required, Annual General Meeting and Awards and Banquet.
  • Attend the Team Managers/Coach/Tournament Director meeting at the start of the season and usually lasts 1 hours in duration.
  • Check emails and answer any enquires in a timely fashion, approximately 2 hours a week.


OBJECTIVE: Administrative position, responsible for training and scheduling Referee’s for PDMHA.

This position is appointed by the board of the current season.



  • Attend monthly Board/Operation meetings and PDMHA General Meetings.
  • Vote on specific issues at Board Meetings and Operation Meetings.
  • Assist with event-day operations during PDMHA Development events.
  • Assist in developing and maintaining positive relations among the Board, committees, staff members and Member Associations.
  • Represent PDMHA at the District’s Annual General Meeting.
  • Participate in the PDMHA screening policy.



  • Be familiar with the PDMHAConstitution, By-laws and Playing Rules.
  • Recruit, train, evaluate, and assign officials. (by using the Arbiter)
  • Coordinate the record of game assignments, monthly and yearly records for each individual official.
  • Referee in Chief shall be a member of the Discipline Committee.
  • Prepare report for PDMHA Annual General Meeting.
  • Request clinic date in September from OMAHA, and arrange for a meeting room and ice time on that date.
  • Run ad in local newspaper with clinic information and follow-up by telephone the
  • Personally contact to each individual regarding the upcoming clinic.
  • Provide rule interpretations upon request.
  • When discipline or assignment problems arise, contact the 1st Vice President for assistance if required.
  • Know Match Penalty and Game Misconduct procedures.
  • Post in the Ref Room, all information, bulletins, etc. as received from OMAHA, BC HOCKEY, in order that the officials are current with any and all changed, as they take place.



  • Strong hockey background in playing and refereeing
  • Strong communication and leadership skills
  • Officiating clinics recommended
  • Able to liaise well with Officials, PDMHA fellow Directors, OMAHA and BC Hockey



  • Monthly Board/Operations meetings are held the first Monday of every month and are usually approximately 2-3 hours in duration.
  • Attend PDMHA Meetings as required, Annual General Meeting and Awards and Banquet.
  • Attend the Team Managers/Coach/Tournament Director meeting at the start of the season and usually lasts 1 hour in duration.
  • Check emails and answer any enquires in a timely fashion, approximately 2 hours a week.



Administrative position responsible for ensuring all coaches are informed and trained per the standards of BCHA and PDMHA

This position is appointed by the board of the current season.



  • Be familiar with the PDMHAConstitution, By-laws and Playing Rules.
  • Attend monthly Board/Operation meetings and PDMHA General Meetings.
  • Vote on specific issues at Board Meetings and Operation Meetings.
  • Assist with event-day operations during PDMHA Development events.
  • Assist in developing and maintaining positive relations among the Board, committees, staff members and Member Associations.
  • Represent PDMHA at the District’s Annual General Meeting
  • Participate in the PDMHA screening policy



  • During the pre-registration process, solicit Coaching Applications for the upcoming season. Review the coaches assessments from the previous season, select the coaches for the upcoming season.
  • Oversee the tryout process ensuring adequate coaches are in place to provide safety and leadership to the players.
  • Adjudicate inter-divisional conflicts regarding player movement.
  • Distribute forms for coaches' evaluations and ensure complete forms are picked up for review during the summer. Note that these forms are confidential to maintain their anonymity, but the comments included should be made available to any coaches to have feedback on their respective performance.
  • Ensure player selection for their division (moving players up and down) is done only with the approval of the steering committee. A player should be moved only if the steering committee recommends it to the House coordinator. At that time the House Coordinator should consult with the House Manager of the other division to ensure space is available. Providing space is available, the House Coordinator should facilitate the movement, not the coaches.
  • Ensure all house teams are balanced within the division per skill ability
  • Be available for coach-parent meetings as necessary or requested.
  • Notify coaches of clinics and training
  • Send out coach evaluations by January submit them to Director of Hockey Operations
  • Technical position responsible for the development of coaches within the PDMHA, and through them, the technical evaluation of player development.
  • To be a resource available to Rep Coaches to provide an independent technical opinion in the final group of cuts from any Rep team.
  • To communicate new or improved coaching techniques and developments to coaches throughout the season.
  • To create and maintain a Coaching directory listing each coach and their level attained in the NCCP. Actively promote coaches participating in NCCP.
  • Work with the Director Hockey Operations during the coach selection process each season.
  • To maintain technical information such as booklets and tapes on coaching and make them available to the coaches throughout the season.
  • Provide written report on Division Status and issues.
  • To create an annual Coaching Evaluation system, and compile and review the results with the Director of Hockey Operations.
  • When any player has been identified as a player to be moved by coaches within a division, the Head Coach must assess the player, and advise the Executive whether or not the player has the technical ability to move



  • Strong Hockey Background in playing, coaching and evaluating
  • Strong interest/commitment to child athlete development
  • Ability to work with fellow coaching personnel
  • Ability to communicate on and off-ice requirements to players and parents
  • Available to meet time requirements
  • NCCP and Respect in Sports for Leaders



  • Monthly Board/Operations meetings are held the first Monday of every month and are usually approximately 2-3 hours in duration.
  • Attend PDMHA Meetings as required, Annual General Meeting and Awards and Banquet.
  • Attend the Team Managers/Coach/Tournament Director meeting at the start of the season and usually lasts 1 hours in duration.
  • Check emails and answer any enquires in a timely fashion, approximately 2 hours a week.



Administrative position responsible for scheduling all PDMHA Ice to each division. Reports to Director Hockey Divisions or the President as an alternate

This is an elected position



  • Be familiar with the PDMHAConstitution, By-laws and Playing Rules.
  • Attend monthly Board/Operation meetings and PDMHA General Meetings.
  • Vote on specific issues at Board Meetings and Operation Meetings.
  • Assist with event-day operations during PDMHA Development events.
  • Assist in developing and maintaining positive relations among the Board, committees, staff members and Member Associations.
  • Represent PDMHA at the District’s Annual General Meeting
  • Participate in the PDMHA screening policy



  • Represent PDMHA at CORD meeting each May or June to receive allocation of ice to, PDMHA for both regular season, playoffs and tournament blocks
  • In the spring, receive from PDMHA Executive forecasted enrollment for the following season, and the criteria for the approved program to be delivered at each level.
  • Develop ice schedule to fulfill program approved by the Executive and post! this schedule at all PDMHA arenas maintaining at least a 1-week to 3-week forward looking schedule.
  • Attend the Rep and Atom Development scheduling meetings to schedule ice time for the entire scheduled season. Unused rep slots should be held in reserve as necessary to allocate out at a later date to groups most affected by lost ice due to tournaments, weather cancellations, etc.
  • Provide copies of ice schedules to Administrator for Web site and Arena Manager.
  • After all Rep games have been scheduled, routine ice slots should be allocated to the House Coordinator for Midget House, Bantam House, and Peewee House for the purpose of arranging inter-locking league games as they see fit or league play outlined by the Elected Executive. The Division Managers may trade compatible ice time with each other to make their schedules work but if they agree to do so, they must inform the Ice Ambassador who can modify the master schedule (there may be other event bookings, i.e. Referees).
  • If there are unallocated ice times, the Ice Ambassador shall keep them in reserve to allocate out at his/her discretion to make up for schedules most affected by interruptions. Such allocations should be made prior to the three-week postings period in order to allow Managers to schedule games with other Associations.
  • If a Manager is unable to utilize ice that has been allocated, he/she shall notify the Ice
  • Ambassador giving 72 hours notice. The ice slot is to be ' returned' to the pool of available ice and reallocated by the Ice Ambassador to make up for other interruptions.
  • In September the Ice Ambassador should work with the Tournament committee to allocate ice necessary to host tournaments as approved by the PDMHA Executive.
  • In February, Rep ice slots are to be held available for each Rep and Atom Development team until such teams have been eliminated from playoff contention.
  • (Note: Just because a team has been eliminated does not mean all their ice is given away. They do however risk having their times altered to facilitate hosting of other playoff games.
  • OTR ice is to be allocated on a even basis throughout the season. No interruptions for tournaments are considered other than approved by PDMHA Executive.
  • The Ice Ambassador shall not schedule any exhibition games.
  • Requests for such should be forwarded to the respective Division Manager.
  • Shall provide the Executive with a schedule of ice by division vs. the plan authorized
  • by the Executive and be prepared to discuss any significant variations. Such a schedule shall be prepared for the first meeting in any month and show ice allocations for the prior month and season to date.
  • Monitor effective use of ice and forward concerns about ineffective use of ice to the Director Hockey Divisions as required.




  • A self-starter with patience, common sense, and self-control.
  • Able to liaise well with PDMHA fellow Directors, and League Chair people
  • Dedicated and highly motivated



  • Monthly Board/Operations meetings are held the first Monday of every month and are usually approximately 2-3 hours in duration.
  • Attend PDMHA Meetings as required, Annual General Meeting and Awards and Banquet.
  • Attend the Team Managers/Coach/Tournament Director meeting at the start of the season and usually lasts 1 hours in duration.
  • Check emails and answer any enquires in a timely fashion, approximately 2 hours a week.


Administrative position responsible for the purchase, inventory and maintenance of all PDMHA equipment per approval. To understand and adhere to policies set forth by the PDMHA Executive.

This is an elected position




  • Be familiar with the PDMHAConstitution, By-laws and Playing Rules.
  • Attend monthly Board/Operation meetings and PDMHA General Meetings.
  • Vote on specific issues at Board Meetings and Operation Meetings.
  • Assist with event-day operations during PDMHA Development events.
  • Assist in developing and maintaining positive relations among the Board, committees, staff members and Member Associations.
  • Represent PDMHA at the District’s Annual General Meeting
  • Participate in the PDMHA screening policy



  • Maintain inventory of equipment and condition thereof
  • Seek Executive approval for purchase of new equipment as required.
  • Procure repair services of equipment as necessary to maintain it in good order.
  • Ensure all sponsors' crests are ordered and placed on appropriate sweaters.
  • Provide written report to Director of Hockey Operations and Programs.
  • Maintain control of keys for equipment lockers and ensure keys are changed each season.
  • Ensure master keys are given to Head Coach, Administrative Assistant, President, and Director of Hockey Operations and Programs.
  • Ensure proper use of locker room is maintained throughout the season.
  • Ensure that uniforms are properly cared for.
  • Collect all equipment and uniforms at the end of the season.
  • Complete inventory on completeness and condition of same.
  • Have cleaned and procure repairs to equipment and uniforms as necessary over the summer.
  • Responsible for control of summer loans of equipment



  • A self-starter with patience, common sense, and self-control.
  • Able to liaise well with PDMHA fellow Directors, and League Chair people
  • Dedicated and highly motivated



  • Monthly Board/Operations meetings are held the first Monday of every month and are usually approximately 2-3 hours in duration.
  • Attend PDMHA Meetings as required, Annual General Meeting and Awards and Banquet.
  • Attend the Team Managers/Coach/Tournament Director meeting at the start of the season and usually lasts 1 hour in duration.
  • Check emails and answer any enquires in a timely fashion, approximately 2 hours a week.


Administrative positions responsible for ensuring all Tournaments are prepared such that Division Manager can then assume responsibility for and conduct a successful tournament. To understand and adhere to policies set forth by the PDMHA Executive.

This is an elected position



  • Be familiar with the PDMHAConstitution, By-laws and Playing Rules.
  • Attend monthly Board/Operation meetings and PDMHA General Meetings.
  • Vote on specific issues at Board Meetings and Operation Meetings.
  • Assist with event-day operations during PDMHA Development events.
  • Assist in developing and maintaining positive relations among the Board, committees, staff members and Member Associations.
  • Represent PDMHA at the District’s Annual General Meeting
  • Participate in the PDMHA screening policy



  • Shall collect all information from OMAHA and BC Hockey meetings for Tournaments for the year and give them out to the team managers to take to their teams
  • Provide instruction to Team Managers of procedures to follow and run the tournament
  • Ensure each division of PDMHA is aware of the gaming regulations (provide policy)
  • Provide Elected with Tournament dates per season by June 30th of each year
  • Provide a budget for tournaments by level based on 4-6-8 visiting teams
  • Shall collect statements of Expenses sheet the week following the tournament from the tournament committee at team level and report to Treasurer



  • A self-starter with patience, common sense, and self-control.
  • Able to liaise well with PDMHA fellow Directors, and League Chair people
  • Financial Experience Background
  • Dedicated and highly motivated



  • Monthly Board/Operations meetings are held the first Monday of every month and are usually approximately 2-3 hours in duration.
  • Attend PDMHA Meetings as required, Annual General Meeting and Awards and Banquet.
  • Attend the Team Managers/Coach/Tournament Director meeting at the start of the season and usually lasts 1 hour in duration.
  • Check emails and answer any enquires in a timely fashion, approximately 2 hours a week.



Administrative position to direct the activities concerning female programs within one or more divisional level and to understand and adhere to policies set forth by the PDMHA Executive. Reports to Director Hockey Division

This is an elected position




  • Be familiar with the PDMHAConstitution, By-laws and Playing Rules.
  • Attend monthly Board/Operation meetings and PDMHA General Meetings.
  • Vote on specific issues at Board Meetings and Operation Meetings.
  • Assist with event-day operations during PDMHA Development events.
  • Assist in developing and maintaining positive relations among the Board, committees, staff members and Member Associations.
  • Represent PDMHA at the District’s Annual General Meeting
  • Participate in the PDMHA screening policy



  • Coordinate all information regarding Female programs offered by BC HOCKEY, PDMHA to the females of PDMHA
  • Under the direction of the Director Hockey Operations &Programs for female programs available at PDMHA
  • Shall assist in transfers of females to other associations for programs PDMHA does not currently offer in conjunction with the Registrar.



  • A self-starter with patience, common sense, and self-control.
  • Able to liaise well with PDMHA fellow Directors, and League Chair people
  • Dedicated and highly motivated



  • Monthly Board/Operations meetings are held the first Monday of every month and are usually approximately 2-3 hours in duration.
  • Attend PDMHA Meetings as required, Annual General Meeting and Awards and Banquet.
  • Attend the Team Managers/Coach/Tournament Director meeting at the start of the season and usually lasts 1 hours in duration.
  • Check emails and answer any enquires in a timely fashion, approximately 2 hours a week.
  • Cut Cheques as required/balance bank and provide Financial Statements/Budgets: 10-15 hours/month




This is an elected position



  • Be familiar with the PDMHAConstitution, By-laws and Playing Rules.
  • Attend monthly Board/Operation meetings and PDMHA General Meetings.
  • Vote on specific issues at Board Meetings and Operation Meetings.
  • Organize Operation Red Nose, where PDMHA provides safe rides home for Copper Mountain Mine’s annual Christmas Parties.
  • Assist with event-day operations during PDMHA Development events.
  • Assist in developing and maintaining positive relations among the Board, committees, staff members and Member Associations.
  • Represent PDMHA at the District’s Annual General Meeting
  • Participate in the PDMHA screening policy



  • To Facilitate (2) fundraising events during the year that all minor hockey members are to participate in.
    • 1 will be the Christmas cash draw
    • Tournament Fundraiser-execute duties to teams (eg. Each team responsible for 1 raffle basket)
  • To aid the Treasurer in the execution of the yearly 50/50 Christmas cash draw



  • To monitor fundraisers held at team levels making sure that there is no conflict within the community.
  • Provide statement to team fundraisers to track fundraising activities and expenses to enforce accountability at the team level. Set deadlines for submission and follow up. Present to the Executive.



  • A self-starter with patience, common sense, and self-control.
  • Able to liaise well with PDMHA fellow Directors, and League Chair people
  • Dedicated and highly motivated



  • Monthly Board/Operations meetings are held the first Monday of every month and are usually approximately 2-3 hours in duration.
  • Attend PDMHA Meetings as required, Annual General Meeting and Awards and Banquet.
  • Attend the Team Managers/Coach/Tournament Director meeting at the start of the season and usually lasts 1 hours in duration.
  • Check emails and answer any enquires in a timely fashion, approximately 2 hours a week.





Administrative position whose responsibility it is to Identify, assess, and prioritize any real or potential issue, with respect to a future event that threatens the well being of the association, executive, members, volunteers, sponsors, property, equipment, materials, revenues and/or the association’s reputation/stature in the community

This is an elected position



  • Be familiar with the PDMHAConstitution, By-laws and Playing Rules.
  • Attend monthly Board/Operation meetings and PDMHA General Meetings.
  • Vote on specific issues at Board Meetings and Operation Meetings.
  • Assist with event-day operations during PDMHA Development events.
  • Assist in developing and maintaining positive relations among the Board, committees, staff members and Member Associations.
  • Represent PDMHA at the District’s Annual General Meeting
  • Participate in the PDMHA screening policy



  • Perform Arena Safety inspections annually and periodically throughout the hockey season
  • Implement and enforce all OMHA Risk Management Programs
  • Identify, prioritize and rate potential probability of hazards, that may be associated with the organization’s fundraising events
  • Criminal Record Checks annually: Shall maintain and enhance procedures with respect to screening volunteers to protect the association, members and players from harm, done at the beginning of each year with an Oct 15 deadline
  • Distribute, collect and retain Criminal Record Check forms for PDMHA volunteers and board members
  • Distribute On Ice Volunteer Forms to all coaches at the beginning of the season
  • Distribute Parent, Player, & Coach contracts at the beginning of each year to all the teams: Oct 15 deadline for return
  • Serve as Association safety resource person and assure documentation and record-keeping of regulated programs, materials and injuries.
  • Act as a liaison between the PDMHA Executive and the Team Trainers with respect to safety and trainer issues
  • Be aware of changes and procedures as they relate to safety and risk management in hockey.
  • Adhere to all relevant Federal and Provincial legislative privacy requirements as put forward in the Federal Personal Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)


  • Become qualified in the Hockey Canada Safety Program & Respect in Sports for the Leader
  • Strong communication and organizational skills
  • Strong computer and internet experience
  • Able to liaise well with PDMHA fellow Directors, and League Chair people
  • First Aid certification and or background an asset
  • Dedicated and highly motivated



  • Monthly Board/Operations meetings are held the first Monday of every month and are usually approximately 2-3 hours in duration.
  • Attend PDMHA Meetings as required, Annual General Meeting and Awards and Banquet.
  • Attend the Team Managers/Coach/Tournament Director meeting at the start of the season and usually lasts 1 hour in duration.
  • Check emails and answer any enquires in a timely fashion, approximately 2 hours a week.



The team manager is responsible to organize and delegate team and parental duties as required by PDMHA and OMAHA.  The team manager is the liaison between the parents and the coaching staff; and is responsible for ensuring the well being of the players.

Managers must be approved the current executive



  • Strong hockey background in team management.
  • Strong interest and commitment to child/athlete development.
  • Ability to work with fellow coaching personnel.
  • Ability to communicate on and off-requirements to players and parents and association executive.
  • Available to meet time requirements.
  • Become qualified in Respect in Sports (RIS) for Leaders
  • Become Knowledgeable on rules and regulations.


Initiation (Tykes and Novice)

  • Managers book the games with other communities.
  • Arrange referees with our head ref for home games.
  • Books ice through the PMHA Ice Ambassador.
  • Will be responsible to mail in game sheets to OMAHA. You will have 1 month.  Anything after that and there is a $15.00 fine to association.
  • Communicate with the coaches.
  • Relay any information to coaches, parents and players as required.
  • Make sure there are parents signed up to do time keeping and score sheets at each home game.
  • Arrange parents to be in charge of different tasks for the team including tournament director, jersey parent, 50/50 organizer/time box and fundraising parent. And any other jobs that may come up during the season.
  • Preparing team phone lists and schedules.
  • Keeping a spreadsheet record of team funds and tracking team finances.
  • OMAHA requires managers to take the Respect in Sport Course.
  • Managers must submit a Criminal Record Check
  • Once Ice Time schedule has been set out start booking games.
  • Please pass on a schedule to Sue, so she can have the concession open for any scheduled games


Atom and up: League Play (See OMAHA handout and Constitution)

  • Submit Roster to PMHA registrar in time before league play.
  • Online submission of all home games with 12 hours of the game being played. A $25.00 fine to association if not entered. You will receive a login password from a contact person in OMAHA.
  • Mailing of original game sheet after a home game, within 2 business days of the game being played. A $15.00 fine if this is not done.
  • Ensure all game sheets from all home tournaments are sent in by mail to OMAHA.
  • There are huge fines for missing league games. The manager must have a valid reason before cancelling a league game.  Talking to OMAHA before such measures is mandatory.  $250.00 fine and cost en-cured to the opposing team will be charged to PMHA if not cancelled with the OMAHA guidelines and rules.
  • Deal with team issues before the coach (Parents first step is the manager after 24 hour cool down).
  • Communicate with the coaches.
  • Relay any information to coaches, parents and players as required.
  • Make sure there are parents signed up to do time keeping and score sheets at each home game.
  • Arrange parents to be in charge of different tasks for the team including tournament director, jersey parent, fundraising parent, and time box parent. And any other jobs that may come up during the season.
  • Book exhibition games / book ice with the ice ambassador.
  • Scheduling tournaments for the team and arrange for travel and accommodation, etc.
  • Preparing team phone lists and schedules.
  • Keeping a spreadsheet record of team funds and tracking team finances.
  • OMAHA requires managers to take the Respect in Sport Course.
  • Managers must submit a Criminal Record Check.
  • Managers are responsible for getting the information out to parents regarding the mandatory completion of RIS for one parent of the player and ensuring everyone who needs to have a criminal record check done has it completed by the deadline.
  • There will be an OMAHA scheduling meeting to go to for scheduling league games.
  • Please pass on a schedule to Sue, so she can have the concession open for any scheduled games.



  • Weekly practices and/or games; usually approximately 2-3 hours in duration.
  • Tournaments (home and away).
  • Meetings as required both at the team and association level.
  • Check emails and answer any enquires in a timely fashion, approximately 3 hours a week.



Under the guidance of the PDMHA perform Team Coach & Assistant coaching duties for their particular team

Coaches must be approved by the current executive



  • Strong hockey background in playing, coaching and evaluating
  • Strong interest and commitment to child/athlete development.
  • Ability to work with fellow coaching personnel.
  • Ability to communicate on and off-ice requirements to players and parents
  • Available to meet time requirements.
  • NCCP, Respect in Sports (RIS) Leaders



  • Serve as the official spokesperson on behalf of the team.
  • Coordinate the delegation of RESPONSIBILITIES: to the assistant coach and Manager.
  • Plan on and off-ice activities in consultation with the assistant coach
  • Plan, implement and control pre-game preparation and communication with the team.
  • Design the practice plans in consultation with the assistant coach.
  • Coach the team in all games and practices.
  • Establish rules for the team and oversee the supervision of the players.
  • Complete year-end report as required by the Minor Association.


  • Weekly practices and/or games; usually approximately 2-3 hours in duration
  • Weekly game/practice preparation; usually 1-2 hours in duration
  • Tournaments (home and away)
  • Attend meetings as required by Association at the start of the season
  • Check emails and answer any enquires in a timely fashion, approximately 2 hours a week.



As a hockey Safety Person, your primary responsibility is to ensure that safety is the first priority at all times during all hockey-related activities, both on and off the ice. You must play a leadership role in enhancing the safety of players and all others involved with amateur hockey.


  • Conduct regular checks of players' equipment for defects and advise parents accordingly.
  • Promote proper warm up and conditioning techniques as a form of injury prevention
  • Ensure that all ice and dressing room activities have adult supervision please refer to PDMHA Locker Room Policy
  • Report any arena deficiencies to PDMHA.
  • Implements an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) for the team and through this is prepared to respond in the event of accidents, injuries and medical emergencies
  • Ensure each player has a completed a medical form, at the beginning of the season and take these files to all team activities and keep them in your possession while travelling
  • Review your medical information files regularly to help you ensure that players with health issues such as asthma, diabetes, epilepsy and all allergic conditions are properly cared for, especially if they require medicine.
  • Submit injury reports to BC Hockey and follow up as per Return to Play guidelines
  • Manages all injuries, learn to recognize serious injuries and refer injured players to qualified professionals
  • Monitor rehabilitation of injured athletes and ensure medical clearance to return to play.
  • Report any player abuse to the Board
  • Attend Safety Meetings at the request of PDMHA Risk Manager



  • Knowledge of the game of hockey.
  • Strong interest and commitment to child/athlete development.
  • Ability to work with parents and fellow coaching personnel.
  • Ability to communicate on and off-ice requirements to players and parents.
  • Available to meet time requirements.
  • Become qualified in the Hockey Canada Safety Program
  • Become qualified in Respect in Sports (RIS) for Leaders






Princeton & District Minor Hockey Association

Volunteer Application



Name of volunteer: ____________________________________________________________________


Address: _____________________________________________________________________________


City: ___________________________     Province: _______                          Postal Code: _________


Phone (Residence): __________________                             Phone (Business): ________________________


Position(s) you are applying for:


Please indicate by prioritizing the position in which you would like to volunteer.

  1. ________________________ 2. ________________________
  2. ________________________ 4. ________________________


If your choices are not available, would you accept a different position?

Yes      No


Identify your previous volunteer position(s) and team category. (Attach personal resume if necessary)


Year Team Association Category Position


Training Experience


Coaching Program:        Yes      No


If yes, please complete below:




Year Obtained





NCCP Certification Number (CC#): __________________________________________


InitiationProgram:          Yes      No

If yes, please complete below:




Year Obtained





Safety Program:                             Yes      No


If yes, please complete below:




Year Obtained




Safety Program Qualification #: _____________________________________________


Officiating Program:      Yes      No

If yes, please complete below:




Year Obtained




Other relevant training




What are some of your personal future goals in the sport community?





Why are you volunteering for this position?







References:(Please list three references i.e. parents, professionals).




City: ___________________________ Province: _______ Postal Code: ______________

Phone (Residence): __________________ Phone (Business): ______________________



City: ___________________________ Province: _______ Postal Code:_______________

Phone (Residence): __________________ Phone (Business):_______________________



City: ___________________________ Province: _______ Postal Code:______________

Phone (Residence): __________________ Phone (Business):______________________





The PDMHA is committed to reducing harassment, abuse and bullying in our programs. As a priority we are screening volunteers and staff to ensure the highest quality of personnel to support our programs and create a friendly and welcoming environment for our participants. Some positions require additional screening.


Please be advised that your position may require a criminal records check and a vulnerable persons check.


Do you wish to disclose any previous record(s) of offences?

  • Not applicable No       Yes

Official Charge Date of Conviction _____________________


Disclosure or discovery of a previous record of offence may be considered in the person’s application for position within the PDMHA Based on the circumstances of the record, a person may be excluded from participation within the PDMHA.


I hereby acknowledge that the information provided above is accurate to the best of my knowledge. I hereby consent to a member of PDMHA contacting the references listed above.


Signature_____________________________Date ____________________


Personal information used, disclosed, secured or retained by PDMHA will be held solely for the purposes for which we collected it and in accordance with the National Privacy principles contained in the Personal Information rotection and Electronic Documents Act as well as PDMHA own Privacy Policy.


PDMHA is a very small association our volunteers are well known to the community and to each other and the majority of the time is no need to conduct an interview.




Screening of Personnel

Reference Check Call Sheet

(From the Red Cross Abuse Prevention Services)


Applicant Name: ______________________________


Names of References

(A minimum of 2: personal, business, volunteer related)


Name Home # Work # Occupation


Interviewed by: ________________________ Date: ____________________


Name of Reference: ______________________ Phone #: _______________


(Describe position applied for and why reference is being sought)

1) How long have you known the applicant?___________________________

2) In what capacity?______________________________________________

3) What are the applicant's strengths?_______________________________

4) Is the applicant punctual?_______________________________________

5) Is the applicant reliable?________________________________________

6) Can they work independently?___________________________________

7) How do they handle supervision?_________________________________

8) How do they handle confidential information or positions of trust?________


9) Was their position of trust handled to your satisfaction?_______________

10) Describe their relationship with youth.____________________________

11) Is there anything you feel we should be aware of in accepting this person?_____


Caller message re confidentiality:

Personal information used, disclosed, secured or retained by PDMHA will be held solely for the purposes for which we collected it and in accordance with the National Privacy principles contained in the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act as well as PDMHA own Privacy Policy.







PDMHA requires persons elected or assigned to volunteer positions within our organization to submit for a Consent for Criminal Record Search form (CRC) and Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC), which the PDMHA Risk Manager must be in receipt of the completed form by October 30th of the current season.

The application for the CRC and VSC is required upon initial appointment or election and maintaining the position is contingent upon the results of the checks coming back satisfactory to PDMHA.  A CRC and VSC must be renewed annually.